Estelle worked with UK group 57th Dynasty (Whose name apparently inspired Jay-Z to name the Roc La Familia album 'The Dynasty' after a meeting with them). On 'Break Free' Estelle sings "Well we're moving along in our lifetimes//From the good to the bad..." and she certainly has moved along.
She featured on 'Countryman', the classic UK album by Skitz on female posse cut 'Domestic Science' alongside Wildflower, Tempa and Harry Love. Unsurprisingly, this isn't a tune about how women should do chores around the house.
Her first solo album '18th Day' contained the brilliantly uplifting rap track '1980'; Estelle's reminiscatory tune.
She spits fire (Yes, Estelle is a rapper) AND sings sweet harmonies on her track 'Too Long' on 'The National Anthem Mixtape' from the 'UK Runnings' series - check 10Shott get his name in on the end of this!
Last year she featured on Hi-Tek's latest offering (imaginatively entitled 'Hi-Teknology 3) on the chilled out 'Life To Me'.
And now here she is making huge moves with Kanye and Will.i.am; pop's two biggest Hip Hop imports at the moment - 'American Boy'.
Download all tracks, plus 2 more here, brought to you in association with Zshare!
and here's Mr Gaspar's electro pumping remix
yeah...the 18th is a must have in any real music heads collection
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