I’m a little shocked that this concept hasn’t been done before, but here it is now: ‘Only Built 4 Croydon Links’ by Sparks and Curious. Painting a picture of a place that I now never want to visit the two MCs make it clear what they think about their ends and the people who live there.
‘Cronx Tales’ is a compelling listen and anyone who’s ever been to Croydon will be able to confirm how accurate the depiction. ‘Hmmm’ furthers the portrayal by simply discussing the characters present on a bus journey and the title track gives away their real feelings about the place they love to hate.
Some of the tracks do betray the fact that this partnership are, to some extent, a product of their environment and sometimes the differences between them and some of the folk they bemoan are not that obvious: they take drugs, just different ones (‘To Me To You’ and to some extent ‘Bone Chiller’) and they don’t like working the daily grind (‘Wake Up’) but hey, I’m here to judge music, not people!
The production all comes from Shazam the Sorcerer and it’s all good. The MCs are very able, have written some interesting material and deliver it in an entertaining and skilful way.
'OB4CL' by Sparks and Curious is available now and can be downloaded for free here. Alternatively you could go to Suspect Packages, buy something and a get a free CD copy of it!
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