Ineffable (one of my favourite words ever) is nice with the lyrics and Chima has that superstar presence making listening to this mixtape a pleasing way to accompany an hour spent.
Yo peeps, personal message here:
I've been properly inundated with free CD's and mp3's of late and for this I am grateful; big up to all those guys and girls who've been keeping my ears busy. As a result I've got really behind on my album reviews - something I hope to address. I also got married in July so I have a little less time to slob out with rap albums blaring (but by no means is my wife opposed to this!) so that's contributed a bit to the dip in album reviews. Work's pretty busy too so all in all the time I have to give is slimmer than before.
As a result, I've decided to make my reviews really concise - 200 words or so. This should make them easier to read and it also tests my abilities as a reviewer... I'm all about the self progression! I intend to make a dent in the massive pile of CD's this evening so hopefully over the next few days I'll have some reviews to upload.
The last couple have months have seen me questioning the motive behind Certified Banger. It began as a typical blog - I posted music I loved from all genre's - but has now been honed into a site very specifically dedicated to Hip Hop and particularly UK Hip Hop. Many artists and PR guys have reached out to me as the site has grown which has brought me to question my motives. The main question is: 'Am I here to get all UK Hip Hop out there or am I here to let you know which UK Hip Hop is worth it's weight in gold?'.
This is a question that could be re-worded to ask: 'Am I here for the artist or here for the listener?'. I'd like to think the answer is simply 'both'. I want to get UK Hip Hop artists known across the country and across the globe but I don't want to lie about it, if it aint hot, I don't want you spending your money on it and I don't want peeps to tar all UKHH with a bad brush.
I'm in a difficult positition - I want to help hardworking artists and promoters but I also want you to spend your hard-earned on the right stuff and I want everyone to know that the UK can produce the quality Hip Hop that the world needs.
I will always strive to be honest - finding good and bad in everything so that everyone knows the truth.
Much thanks to Thomas, the little write up of Sway's appearance in Leeds is back:
Last night I caught Sway performing at the Mint Club, Leeds. After sitting through a couple of hours of mindless R'n'B 'hits' (seriously, I can't even recognise music in that genre as R'n'B now) I managed to get crushed up against the front barrier by a load of screaming girls when Sway hit the stage at around half past midnight.
Sway performed 'This is my Demo' the lead track from his first LP of the same name. He dropped the news that he is now signed officially to Akon's Kon Live label in the US and performed, for the first time, the first verse and chorus of a new track recorded with Akon. The crowd, who are evidently Sway's target audience for collaborations such as this, went generally wild over the whole Akon/Konvict news. I didn't like the track but it'll probably smash in both countries if the adoring female fans are anything to go by.
Sway also performed a new track called 'Taxi' which sounded a little more promising but the best track performed from the new LP was 'Say It Twice' an entertaining concept that Sway pulls off with much aplomb.
Sway and Junior Dcypha also passed out a few physical copies of his new mixtape 'The Signature Mixtape' meant as a promotional tool for the forthcoming 'The Signature LP', now to be released on October 6th. You can get a download of this mix by going to http://www.sway.uk.com/ and filling in your details.
for more Saving Grace gratuities check these beasts:
Tranquill - 'Deadly Winters' (Produced by DJ IQ)
Ebony Bones- 'We Know All About You' (T-Bear Remix)
If you liked what you heard when I reviewed Illustrate's latest 12" (his track 'Work' is still in the player over yonder), then check out this little video for the track he had on the HHC 'Rising Styles' compilation CD. This was the first time I heard the guy and he's refreshingly on form. This vid is getting serious love from the youtube users too.
Watch out for his album which will be coming soon. Check out Headcount Records for more info.
Here's the video and mp3 of 'Saturday Love' the track that Sway flipped for his single 'Saturday Night Hustle' from his forthcoming album 'The Signature LP'. This single was recently performed on the 33rd series of the 'Later... with Jools Holland' show; now even my dad name checks Sway when UK Hip Hop is brought up.
Get to itunes now and purchase the single, the Jukey remixes are nice too for a bit of a dance.
Diddy - Swagga Like Puff
You an MC? You got a sense of humour and don't like P Daddy Puff Diddy Diffy Pudd Duffy Pad, or whatever he's called now?
Here's the instrumental, get composing those comedy lyrics! and don't forget to add one simple word to the title of Diddy's version: 'a'.
Ya get me?!
...And here's the link to watch the actual performance. That French bird after aint half bad either.
Easily the best track on 'Slime & Reason' and definitely my favourite, 'Let the Spirit' is choice for the next single from Roots Manuva. Don't let the intro fool you, sit tight for a few seconds and let the loveliness hit you.
L.G.P. (Lidget Green Project) make the trans-Atlantic leap with the track 'Sick Day'. It features Queens legend Craig G, original Juice Crew member. L.G.P. hails from Boogie Down Bradford, West Yorks - right on my doorstep, and is on DMB records - Defying Musical Boundaries. The frantic hi-hats and the jump-up juddering sample suit the frustration of having to work a soul destroying day job in order to fund ones dreams; the subject of Craig's rhymes.
L.G.P. obviously aim to make the record label's name their mission statement as previous single 'Trusted (Lying B**ch)' featured Guilty Simpson on mic duties. The next release on the label also features Guilty Simpson on a track called 'Guilt Trip' so watch for that.
Both tracks are available on itunes; 'Sick Day' and 'Trusted'.
Since Sitemeter is moving house and I couldn't get my ego-feeding hit of how many people are coming to my page I was just checking out how I'm doing on the Music Blog Toplist. I'm currently 218th. Not bad considering it runs all the way to 2387 - that's top 10% innit?
Anyway, I went through the listings, looking at all the Hip Hop blogs charting higher than me. I was expecting to find some quality sites - after all they are 'beating' me stats wise. What I found was 20 or so clone blogs peddling stories of Gucci Mane's incarceration, T-Pain and Ne-Yo's latest mp3's and free (illegal) album downloads.
If I was interested in providing the people of this world with the same thing that someone else was providing then I suppose my blog could be more 'successful'. If I wanted to read stories on other websites only to recycle them on my own blog then I guess my blog would get more hits. If I posted every single mp3, video, news item, album that littered my inbox everyday then I could be reaching the heady heights of the first page of the Music Blog Toplist. But to do this would be a compromise.
I, as a fan and a blogger, am 'tarred' with the very same brush as the music I seek to expose and represent. Take a look at those top sites again (or don't, you'll only give them more hits), what do you see with their Flo-Rida free downloads, their Lil' Wayne mp3's and their identical links to some R'n'B bird featuring Ludacris track? What is evident in their news stories of Kanye's Bail, their Skull Gang exclusives and their horrific advertising? I don't know your answer but mine is this: I see conformity, I see blindness and all in all, I see drivel.
These bloggers are relying on the fickle minds of people fed radio hit after mtv video by some higher power, a higher power who dictates what will sell. If something gets that much exposure, of course it can be pumped into the minds of the masses. The fashion industry works in much the same way. Somewhere, some weirdo's in a room decide what will be in in which season. They design the stuff, they put it in the shops and people have no choice, no choice but to buy it - there is nothing else! Most people who don't actively seek music are force fed what someone else deems suitable for their auditory diet. Of course it sells, there appear to be no other options.
Obviously there are other options, which is where blogs like Certified Banger come into play. We present other options, we don't give choice, we provide an alternative. Certified Banger gives you the chance to listen to something else, namely Hip Hop and specifically, more often than not, UK Hip Hop. Which is a problem. Despite the fact we offer this music, there are not sufficient amounts of people actively seeking this music. And why? Because they're not told to.
The Hip Hop bloggers holding up that first 10% of the Music Blog Toplist are not offering anything of much worth to the internet user. Sure, they offer all the latest downloads, but at the end of the day the only reason they offer them is because they've been conditioned to do that by demand. They don't do anything out of the ordinary.
These bloggers, groupies in a Hip Hop world of high life, want in some way to gain what their 'heroes' have - fame, their name in lights. I know this myself - I like to see the hits my blog gets, I like to know someone came searching for something and found it in my provision - it gives me a sense of reward. At one point I was very obsessed with getting more hits and constantly posted mp3 links so as to be featured on the Hype Machine as often as possible. This is why they do it - it's their bit of recognition in this world of superstardom - but recognition for what?
I'd rather be recognised by a few than by the masses who simply take what they want and leave. I can safely say that through honing Certified Banger to what you see now, I have begun to feel a different fulfilment, a better fulfilment. People who also love what I post come here and enjoy it. It becomes a name they will (and do) return to. I've gained contact with like-minded people. I've been privileged to receive music from the artists who I listen to and respect. I've been welcomed into the UK Hip Hop community (well, I feel I have) as a (very small, admittedly) part of it's workings. Have those top 50 Hip Hop bloggers gained that honour in their area of reportage? I very much doubt it. And by posting their samey posts devoid of commitment and belonging, they'll get their hits, oh yes, but they wont ever be more than simple spectators in their chosen field.
The proof is very much in the proverbial pudding. Look at that list, look through the blogs. Which specialist Hip Hop blog is the highest in that chart? Certified Banger. Despite limiting myself to a sub-genre, a sub-genre created in a country the size of a ten pence piece CB is up there. It's the highest-rating UKHH blog out there. I'll stick to my corner, thanks. I'll continue to represent my niche because there are evidently people who appreciate and need what I provide.
Whew, who needs stats when you can blow your own trumpet like that? Sorry! Leave a comment and totally harangue me - I probably really deserve it!
Click here to download a SonnyJim mixtape snippet.
Click here to download a SonnyJim radio slot with Sarah Love.
To pre-order your copy of the Trading Standards CD click this link:
SonnyJim - Trading Standards pre-order
Click here to remind yourself about what I said about this release.
Click here to find out about the release party if you're in Birmingham on Saturday the 20th of September.
Here's the video to the apocalyptic 'Judgement Day' featuring Orifice Vulgatron, Ghetto and Shameless. It features loads and millions and then some more clips of your favourite films. You should watch it and spot them all. I think even the guy off the anti-piracy ad makes an appearance!
Here's the video to Sway's poptastic new track, the lead single from the forthcoming 'Signature LP' ("out very soon", or so he said in January!). It features Lemar, pretty much the UK's biggest male R'n'B voice and it'll be criminal if this doesn't find itself pumping through housewives' radios up and down old Blighty.
If you get mixed up whilst you watch the video, Lemar is the one with thinner eyes. Remember Sway's lyric on 'Harvey Nicks' by The Mitchell Brothers? "A little girl with a pen ran up to me and said I know who you are//But when I gave her my autograph she said 'mum, is this how you spell Lemar?'".
Sway remains his good entertaining self, true to form despite the bubblegum leanings of this track. I'm not too cool to hate on this and neither should you be. Get gearing for the album!
Check his myspace, especially for the Jukey remix, better than the original? Maybe.
GZA, when not dissing 50 Cent, it can be exclusively revealed, loves taking a ride into the countryside with a wicker basket strapped to the back of his classic motor. Once his chequered cloth is spread in some shady spot and once he's taken out his 'Paper Plates', he'll ring fellow rappers and ask them to bring along items to make his picnic better.
This week GZA will be mainly inviting Rapper Big Pooh, Joe Scudda and Chaundon to his little outdoor feast. They'll be bringing the 'Plastic Cups'. The video is produced by the late great J Dilla and the track is off of the highly anticipated mixtape Rapper's Delight which will be available Thursday on URB.com for FREE!
Disposable crockery y'all!
The big award is:
Illustrate is a one man music machine; producing, rapping and scratching in varying combinations. Having already released his EP 'Bedroom Production' and the mix CD 'Get the Picture' he has dropped this quadruple A-side 12" as a taster of what's to come on his album 'The Stuff' to be released this October. He also featured on the Rising Styles compilation, free with HHC, with his excellent track 'Do What You Like'.
'Work is what this song is about' says Ollie Bates on the chorus to 'Work'...so he gave it an apt name then. Over a slightly melancholy guitar-picked but lively-drummed beat Illustrate spits verses that you can hear and understand. With natural delivery and seemingly effortless rhyme patterns Illustrate speaks to the masses. 'Work' sees a classic story rap interweaved with thoughts about the world of 9 to 5ing and being an aspiring musician.
'My Hat' follows the theme of giving tracks obvious names; it's about Illustrate's cap. You may think that's corny, you may think it's a refreshing serving of genius - either way, I've never heard another track like it. Over a classic Premo-ish beat Bates raps lyrics like 'It's been snatched and grabbed, packed in bags//Stamped and hanged you could say this hat's had it bad//Manufactured in a factory then wrapped and crammed in box then sent to a shop in the back of a van//Then I bought it and snapped off the tag...". Fresh.
'Sweet Dream', produced by DJ Tigerstyle, is a broken beat led track with a scratched K-Os vocal on the chorus. Illustrate outlines his ideal world, so highlighting all the evil that is actually present on this sphere. 'Winter Lady' is a slow paced obituary built upon Mike Hostile's snare rolls and phased piano chords and synth choirs. Illustrate tells the sad story of a down-and-out junkie, and with real emotion in his voice he demonstrates his ability to affect the listener.
Above all this 12" exhibits Illustrate's all round versatility. The beats differ, the topics differ vastly and as a result the mood differs from track to track. If Illustrate's (also an apt name; this guy paints the clearest pictures) forthcoming long player follows this pattern he'll have a highly lauded piece of work on his hands, I'm sure of that. The 'Work' 12" was a satisfying listening experience - Illustrate harbours the energy and ideas of someone willing to do what they like - this is the Hip Hop I love.
'Work' is out now on Headcount Records and is available at places like Suspect Packages.
'On The Radar Volume 5' - available now - click the image above to download!
'On The Radar Volume 4' - click here to download!
'On The Radar Volume 3' - click here to download!Email us at: certifiedbanger@gmail.com