Friday 1 May 2009

Hexstatic and Nextmen Live AV @ Videocrash 3

The whole concept of video-jockeying is still pretty new and exciting and there are few better places to see it in action than at a Videocrash night. The third event is due - on Saturday 6th June to be exact.

Koko and Videocrash 3 (£15 in advance) will be playing host to Hexstatic, UK Hip Hop production duo The Nextmen (their DJ sets are awesome) and DJ Cheeba, all of whom will be doing a live AV set. Also playing will be live UK Hip Hop band The Anomalies.

To win a pair of tickets and a copy of Hexstatic's latest release on Ninja tunes 'Hexstatic presents Videos, Remixes, Rarities'. Simply answer the following question:

What was the name of Hexstatic's first album?

Send you answer to: and make sure you place 'competition' in the subject title of the email.

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