Mr Loop is the producer and he’s brought along a truck load of guest artists for the ride; no less than 15 (including Wordsmith and Mudmowth) if my counting skills are up to scratch. A few appear multiple times – Zoo Mark and Slippa of RapSkallions and Yosh all hold down multiple mic duties.
Mr Loop’s production is wide-ranging, his sample pool is wide and deep – he steals from medieval England’s lute-strumming bards, slices up whole orchestras, mugs jazz bassists for their dusty low frequency goodness, sneaks easy listening breaks from under relaxed musicians noses and swipes 60’s pop and all for his own gain – and yours. This CD really is a treat – the sounds are so diverse and so obviously the produce of a crate digging whiz kid.
The MCs offer a largely cheery body of work and things get rowdy on both parts of ‘Satisfaction’ as 13 MCs vie for mic time. Yosh, Slippa and Zoo Mark explore both sides of drinking to excess on ‘Out on the Razz’ and ‘the Middle Path’ and B’Tol’s Eva Lazarus assisted ‘Try Again’ is sure to allow you to sink into its gently ebbing waters. ‘The Infamous Baron Spittswell’ is made to have a video – although Yosh paints a more than vivid picture of this maverick character, this is a lyrical imagination at its best!
‘The Bury All’ will be out on 12th January 2009 on Sweatbox Sounds and will be available on CD (you can get one now direct from the man himself for £5) or as a digital download. Visit his myspace page for more info.
What about 'In The Making???'.
Did you just skim through the album or something?
I've actually listened to it quite a few times.
Find me a normal album review that mentions every track by name!
'In the Making' is a track that contributes to an album that I gave a very good review.
happy go lucky with the rapskallions is heavy!
where can i get more of zoo marks stuff?
I've asked the relevant people the answer to this...check back here for more news!
Mr. Loop said: "Nothing at the moment, but rapskallions (Slippa and Zoo Mark) LP is being mastered by Vee at them moment and will drop in the next month (I think!)
I've just recorded some new s**t with him, but that's off the new album and probably won't drop till late summer...
Other than that just ding him up on myspak and if you ask nicely he might send you something! oh, and he'll be on one of the certified banger releases - probably number 25 by the time we sort out which track they actually want to go on there!
which mcs are the kojak brothers
the album is sick by the way middle path is dope
satifaction part 1 and 2 BIG! good work on the album good to hear a fresh sound
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