Monday, 12 January 2009

JVF Clique Interview

"'Alternative Income' is a breath of fresh air; it's the arrival of the mothership on the music scene."

JVF Clique, the group soon to release their album 'Alternative Income', already heard on Certified Banger's 'On The Radar' mixtape and featuring on this months Suspect Packages radio show, got together to answer some of my questions about them. So try to ignore the slightly disturbing photo to the left and read this:

Certified Banger: So, where are you coming from? Part of the world? Tell us about it – in general and with regards to Hip Hop, and what mentality do you have when creating the rap music?

JVF: Well we’re from Hinckley town, Leicestershire, The Middlelands, UK. A-past-it’s-best market town where a lot can take place in efforts to stem boredom. Back in the 90's there was a Pirate radio scene but it the DTI squashed it, most of the town now is beer and poppy dance music but there are a few heads that keep a music scene alive. We try to keep our music non-stereotypical and original; we always try and experiment, push the boundaries and find new angles, aiming to give the listener a new viewpoint of reality, and not a load of bollocks about flash cars and jewellery. We have always been very self-critical which can create obstacles but does create a quality end product we are all happy with.


Anonymous said...

Yes, looking forward to this dropping from the previews!

Anonymous said...

looking forward to lp,liked what i herd at eastern haze festival